Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dinner and a Show

Being a mother, I like to multi task. For example, I may feel like embarrassing my kids, my neighbors, and myself at the same time. Easily accomplished by dancing in the kitchen while I cook. Blinds wide open.....and oh yeah...I sing too. It's dinner and a show at our house. Brad gave me the under mounted radio/CD player in my kitchen for mothers day last year. Love. It. Some where along the way Brynn caught on and does a pretty good job of replicating what he sees/has been taught. Let me give you a little behind the scene breakdown of some of the signature moves you'll see:

He must have seen me doing the splits the other day (:15), with a little effort he could be just as flexible.

Discovery channel should get credit for the move I like to call 'The Praying Mantis.' (1:06).

We need to work on his breaking lacks my finesse (1:28).

Brad taught him the robot (1:56) which looks suspiciously like 'The Praying Mantis.' but we'll let that slide.

You know the term, "Shake what your Mama gave you? Here (2:13) and here (2:38). No thanks needed Brynn.

And last but not least Brad often walks out of a room just like this (4:04). It's crazy the things kids pick up on.

Consider yourself dialed in on the down low to the 4-1-1, fo shizzle dopzizzel. Urban dictionary helped me come up with that last sentence...thank you urban dictionary.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Do you like apples?

It had been a few weeks since Brynner said it, then while driving the other day He randomly said, "How do you like them apples?!" trying to make Laynie laugh. The first time I had heard the phrase was in the movie Good Will Hunting after the main character gloats about getting a girls number. (Brad takes pride in teaching Brynner all the important stuff.) My personal favorite is when Brynner does a little add lib of his own, "How do you like them peach?!" or "How do you like them pizza?!" So anyway back to driving....He made me laugh so hard I could have wrecked, had I not been the superb driver that I am. I'm just thankful it didn't turned out like last week when Brad said something really funny as I took a sip of my rootbeer-not good. I think the last time I spit anything like that was when I hit Brad in his glasses {tink} with my toothbrush handle. Naturally it made me explode with a laugh that got him an entire face full of toothpaste. Well that's not entirely true, there were toothpaste-free circles around his eyes. Glasses do a bang up job of shielding from toothpaste spitters like yours truly. I can't help it! If I have to laugh it's best for all involved that I get it out or it will push it's way out in a very unflattering sound kind of like blowing a raspberry and snorting at the same time. Brad shakes his head when it happens in places like church. I think it should go in the same category as a sneeze. Nobody shakes their head at someone sneezing. Why? Because they can't help it. I rest my case. For all the inappropriate laugher's out there-I've got your back. How do you like them apples Brad?!

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