Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just because

we can't get enough of her!

My Grandma read this storybook to my Mom as a little girl. She read it to me and now I read it to my little ones!
Brynner is the sweetest big brother! He's such a good helper and always wants to go, "Check on the baby," when she's taking a nap.

How it all went down


11:00 P.M. Contractions start coming every 3 to 5 minutes.


5:00 A.M. Contractions stop steadily coming and decide to be sporadic through out the day making me doubt I'm even in labor.

4:00 P.M. Brad makes me call my Doc and he suggests getting checked out in the hospital.

4:30 P.M. Grandma Carter comes over to watch Brynner and Brad gets home from work.

6:30 P.M. Nurse says my water is still intact and suggests we walk around for a half hour to see if my contractions are still steady.

6:40 P.M. Brad and I book it down three flights of stairs to the cafeteria (in my hospital gown mind you) so I can sneak some food. Best blueberry yogurt/trail mix of the year.

6:50 P.M. I'm standing in front of the double doors shoveling in nuts and dried fruit before going back to the "No eat" zone. Of course I forget to eat dinner with everything going down.

7:00 P.M. Nurse checks again and says my water broke. Apparently I was too busy stuffing my face to even was some good yogurt y'all.

8:00 P.M. I get my epidural while Brad races home to put our little one to bed.

11:00 P.M epidural decides to stop working.

11:25 P.M Anesthesiologist (finally!) comes and gives me another dose.

11:30 P.M. I experienced dilating from a 5+ to a 10 (in a half hour!) without epidural working feels like. Holy Hanna! I panicked at first because it came on so suddenly, then took over Brad's hand and went to work. Hand is surprisingly still attached.

11:35 P.M. Three pushes later, our little Laynie Simone Roska is born. 6 lbs 1 oz. 18 inches long and is perfect beyond perfect.

11:45 P.M. Second dose Mr. Anesthesiologist gave fully kicks in. Awesome. It wears off at 9:00 A.M the next morning.

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