My Dad got married last Friday!! His wife Jill is the sweetest lady and wish them both all the happiness in the world! They met at the single dances, from what I understand, and knew each other for about 5 years before they started to date. I could tell it was getting serious when I stopped hearing from my Dad ;) They dated for about a year but didn't give us much notice for their wedding. I believe he told me two weeks ago that, SURPRISE, they were getting married Nov. 2nd. We had all expected it. In fact, Brad and I met Jill conference weekend last April and Brad had made a bet they would be hitched by the next conference. He was only off my a month or so. Scattered about are a few pictures Brad and I took of them at the Timpanogos Temple. It was a beautiful day!!!
Here is the new Family. This was the first time we had all met each other. They all seemed really nice but lets face it-we probably won't see much of them and visa versa. Over time I'm sure we'll get to know each other.
Below are my cute Nieces and Nephews! Cheri made their dresses for another wedding this last summer. Clockwise:Christian, Aubrie, Hailee, & Emilee. Aren't they adorable!?