Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This lil' sugar has captured my heart. I can't believe she'll be pushing three months soon! For all concerned I'm happy to report Brynner is still a very sweet brother. He offers to get her binky if she so much as whimpers and shoves it in. My favorite thing he got for me yesterday was a one inch piece of toilet paper when I asked him to get me a 'little piece.' I had a good laugh and thanked him for doing exactly as I asked.

Layn is just so darn smiley I can't help but loving her to pieces and kissing those chubby cheeks of hers all day long. Could I fall in love with her more you ask?! I most certainly did when she started sleeping through the night. Yay!! Life is steadily getting more normal around here....or at least as normal as we come! :)

Just to test ourselves we've decided tomorrow is the day we'll potty train Brynn. Why the heck not. So basically-I'm terrified. Advice?! Condolences?! I'll take anything I can get.

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