Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We did it!!

We went Camping at Currant Creek! This is kind of a big deal. I'll tell you why.

The first time we tried to go camping we were in Moab. Something or someone walked by our tent casting a shadow as we were playing our card games. It really freaked me out when Brad went out and couldn't see anything (honestly, I think it freaked him out too but you know, he'll never admit it) after that I felt an urgent need to get out of there as fast as humanly possible. Literally 5 min. later we had thrown everything in the car and on our way to a hotel. Who knows if it was a prompting or just a couple of scared kids (I mean one scared kid-hee hee!). Failed attempt number one.

Four or so years later we tried again with our dog Rusty and Brad's brother Drew and his wife, Em. All I recall is eating so many marshmallows I felt sick and when it was time to go to sleep our dog kept running back and forth over us (usually my face) and crying and whimpering and being an all around nuisance. After what seemed like hours, Brad took him home and then met up with us in the morning since it wasn't too far from our house. Failed attempt number two.

A year later we tried again (us, Drew, Em, and Em's brother's Aaron and his family) and we, again, ended up staying in a hotel. But this time it wasn't my fault or Rusty's fault, it was Brad's fault. We like to take turns, sharing is important. We were leaving to go on a cruise to the Caribbean in a week or so and had been told it was a good idea to start tanning in one of those coffin things so we wouldn't spontaneously combust the moment we stepped out in the sun. Anyway Brad got burned (he's going to kill me I'm telling you he went tanning BTW) and had some crazy reaction a few hours later just as it was getting dark out. He started getting hives and scratching his back and getting more hives to the point that I think he was on the verge of hulking out, so we left. You would too. It got a little better after a couple of showers and some benadryl. Failed attempt number three.

Fast forward to July ninth two thousand eleven and we were bound by all get up that we were going camping. By this time we've had a couple of kids which equals a stupid amount of stuff. We stuffed...and I mean stuffed, our car from floor to ceiling with all kinds of, "Just in case," things. We bought the 8 man tent so the portable crib would fit in with us all, we bought two new sleeping bags, and another air mattress etc. etc. etc. like I said a stupid amount of stuff. Laynie was getting sleepy around 8:00 pm so I put her down while the boys were fishing and catching some beauties. She didn't go to sleep but she did cry a lot. I kept going in and feeding and rocking her more until finally I let her cry for 10 minutes and she fell asleep. Brad thought we could take Brynner to bed and come out and eat the most Delicious smore he has ever constructed-ever (two Reece's sandwiching a golden mallow) but he misjudged her skills as a light sleeper. After some time of trying to console her, I went in and climbed into bed too and begged Brad to do the same so we wouldn't go through this again. Not a happy camper was exactly how I would describe Bradley. He wanted to stay up with the big kids and eat his Delicious smore. Not 10 min after she feel asleep again a group of yahoos came by and yelled and laughed until she started to cry again. Brad yelled for them to shut it to which they said to keep our baby quiet. Nice. She did stop crying but out of the blue she would say things like, "Apple!" and it would make us giggle then she would laugh and say it again along with other baby talk. We got her up and changed her diaper and she literally starting dancing which made up giggle even louder. She was hyper! I had forgotten I had left my camera on the table outside and shyly asked if Brad would go get it. He was not a happy camper, again, but bless his heart he did it anyway. On the way back he was talking to his brother to see if they could hear Laynie talking and laughing and just then she let out a big laugh. She was seriously on one. But maybe it was so funny because we were soooo tired. Instead of putting her back in her crib I put her in my bag with me and within a few minutes she was out again. The good part was she was a little heater. The not so good part was she's a slapper. Who knew! She slapped me in the face so many times I lost count. It's OK though, because I couldn't sleep anyway. I had a massive headache and I hate taking medicine if I can help it. There did come a point that I couldn't handle it any more so when Brad got up a second time to use the bathroom I had him get me some medicine. All in all I think I got to bed around 3:00am. But it still counts! We went camping! We went fishing! We ate marshmallows and hot dogs and breakfast burritos! I was able to read and sleep in while the boys went fishing in the morning! It really so much fun. Look at how gorgeous Currant Creek Reservoir is. These don't do it justice.

5 people said...:

Hama Roska said...

Yay! We did it!

I'm so glad you could come and we could camp. It was great to spend time as a family.

Kathryn said...

That sounds crazy but fun! I love that Laynie can talk, such a smartie pants!

Hama Roska said...

Funny thing: I couldn't remember camping with Rusty. I thought you must have had us confused with someone else.

THEN I talked to Drew and we remembered Elliott came and when we woke up the next day he had rolled down the hill and was sleeping on the roof of the tent. Ahhh..such funny moments. Thanks for the reminder.

Cheri said...

Yeah! You did it! So glad you had a good time. Wish you had a video of Laynie being hyper. Sounds sooo funny!

Sycamore Girl said...

We camped there this August with our ward. It IS beautiful! The best part? Riding in the back of the truck with Talie. She thought THAT was what camping was.

We totally drugged our kids (melatonin) and they zonked while we ate an obscene amount of s'mores till very, very late.

I guess it gets easier the more you do it?

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