Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fourth of July


We hung out with Brynner's Aunt and Uncle on the 4th. We saw an awesome parade where we scored some gems of a treat. There were Otter Pops, Frisbees, frozen string cheese, taffy, and did I mention they were throwing cheese?! I ♥ cache valley parades. More importantly then cheese is Brynner had a rockin' time. I was so relieved since we would be stationary for over an hour. This kid is soo busy when we're driving and hit a red light he starts insisting, "Go!... Go!... Go!..." each time an octave higher until there is panic in his tone. I've started to interpret the yellow light for hit your gas and pray you make it (OK...I at least think of it every time).
He danced as music would go by and had a blast eating the coveted otter pop. Brad stripped him down after a few min. so he wouldn't make a mess of the father/son Run DMC matching shirts! Brad couldn't believe I didn't know who they were. Apparently they were {quote unquote} cool back in the day.
After the parade we had a good time hanging out and grilling at the near by park. We enjoyed some lovely singing (bless their hearts), genuine brats, out of this world sprinkled rice krispies, and a little boy stealing our buns.
Back home we wanted to see what Brynner thought of some fireworks....
yeah....he didn't like it.

4 people said...:

The Prices said...

The matching daddy/son outfits were too cute!! LOVE IT!

The Tews said...

What a sad little face! (so cute though :)

Cheri said...

Great pictures! Love the sparkler one and Brynner's face is priceless!

Sycamore Girl said...

Frozen cheese? Weird.

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