Monday, August 18, 2008

Cheerio Addict

Brynner has been learning to feed himself finger foods. We usually put him on a towel on the floor so he can crawl around and prey on his cheerios to his hearts content. It's the circle of life...sorry Cheerios! Rusty, our dog, thinks this is the greatest idea because a soggy Cheerio or two always make it his way. This is how we discovered our dog's secret talent in entertaining our son. Brynner thinks it is the funniest thing in the world to see Rusty catching Cheerios and will gladly give up a few! I had to share part of the video we got tonight.

6 people said...:

Cheri said...

That is one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Hailee wants to watch it over and over again. She keeps asking me, "Where's Tahnie?". She doens't get that you're the one filming! Too Cute! Thanks for sharing!

SusanMom said...

Great Grandma Grandpa Ren and I all had a good laugh. What a good video to play when you are feeling blue. You can't help but smile and laugh along with him.

The Prices said...

I have the biggest smile on my face right now. Nothing makes me happier than a baby laughing. Great video!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful beautiful thing to share with all of us. He is so precious and his laugh is so contagious.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful beautiful thing to share with all of us. He is so precious and his laugh is so contagious.

Sycamore Girl said...

I laughed SO hard! Yay for Cherios!

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