Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jim makes ketchup funny

I don't date around with other comedian's. Let's just say Jim and I are going steady. We had a little date on Friday and I even paid. Brad is cool with it. He came to keep me company while Jim was on stage. You have my permission to watch the clip but just remember he's MY comedian ladies. Hands off.

4 people said...:

Sycamore Girl said...

I'm so glad you went to see him! Chris and I were going to go but it didnt work out! He's a pretty hot date, I must agree!

Hey, I lost my cell...and your number. Call me. My number has been forwarded to my house number. We gotta set up the photo shoot. :)

The Prices said...

Holy cow, he is FUNNNNY!! Loved it. You just brightened my day!

Cheri said...

I've never heard of Jim! He's one funny man! I haven't laughed so hard in awhile!

Mom said...

Thanks for sharing your man!

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