Friday, February 12, 2010

Need a Valentine idea? Part II

Remember when I said I had more Valentine ideas to share? Well I don't. I thought I could come up with something spectacular and original...but it was not meant to be. So in an effort to not leave you hanging and being completely disappointed by your one and only source for Valentine ideas here are three from the top of my head...

1. You could get a tattoo of their name on your back side or front side...or side-side. If you're into that sort of thing. Of course I wouldn't expect my husband to get one in a trillion years. We've already had this discussion....about how he would NEVER (with this many exclamations!!!!) get a tattoo of my name. He said it would jinx us forever! After a twenty minute conversation on the matter he still wouldn't budge. After sixty minutes I bet he thought about it...but alas, no budging! Mind you, we were only speaking in hypothetical terms here. Do I really want my name tattooed on his butt? No. Do I want to feel like he would because he was so madly in love and sure he couldn't live a millisecond without me? Hells yes! So anyway, I just swore on my blog and I'm not erasing it because that is how darn (I keep the swears to a minimum) strong I feel on the matter. So yeah you could do that....but NOT (with this many exclamations !!!!) in my house.

2. The 'Low on funds' date. (This is a home run as long as you do exactly as I say.) Stay up all night watching infomercials and building a huge blanket fortress. Come out only to see the sun rise and to eat homemade cinnamon rolls. Go immediately back into the blanket fortress and complete an entire book of mad libs via flashlight. Remember to steer clear of the tattoo conversation. That could ruin the whole thing.

3. Build a replica of your significant other using some spare Popsicle sticks, pasta, and pudding. (OK truthfully? I don't want you to do that, I ran out of ideas and I had already promised you three. You're on your own.)


4 people said...:

Alayna's Creations said...

I'm laughing. Reading you blog is always so much fun

Sycamore Girl said...

#2 actually isn't too bad. :)
Happy Valentines Day!

Cheri said...

I love the picture of Brynner! What a cutie!

Krystal said...

You're hilarious! I love reading your blog. :) Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day, however you decided to celebrate.

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